I don't watch live streams and rarely watch player made videos of LotRO, and I can say I am better for it. I'm still shaking my head some 7 hours after I watched this abomination of a video. Just rolled through like I had the title to the property. I literally just ran in the place where the pages were and owned the place still using half a set of DA gear. On level, this shit was faceroll even before the Mordor nerf. No idea of a Minstrel AoE or single target skill. Mac, what in the hell did I just watch there? This woman has an official LotRO stream? Its a joke right? Tell me its a joke. I liken the valar 105 to giving a child a colt 45.Ī review/update of my Dec 2017 Streamer Beef video that was made in reference to what makes for "compelling" content or exclusive SSG giveaways to buy followers? I suspect that this is a Valared character, possibly from the Super-fan Mordor package. The reward for watching through to the end.
There were many on the live stream where a kite was the giveaway. The source stream had 4 views in 16 months, one of which was me. My "Beef" is when they purport more than they know and have been given a platform and influence that actually harms the game. They accept they get motion sick on a war-stead or have disabilities that restrict their play and limits their experience of parts of the game yet qualify comments with that in mind.
For the vast majority of the output it's a case of shooting fish in a barrel, where to start? Some do know their limitations and don't profess to be the font of all wisdom. As I suggested it deserved it's own thread I felt compelled to contribute.